About the Coalition
Our array of programs and member projects help to catalyze community-based writing through research, teaching, publications, workshops and conferences, and public writing projects about, with, for, and by local, global, and online communities.
Yonique Myrie at Writers Room Anthology reading, Drexel University, June 2016. Photo credit: Jen Britton

Community-Engaged Partnerships
We help connect educators and community organizations in order to promote partnerships and collaborations.

Community-Engaged Scholarship
Our team of scholars offer consultation & mentorship around community-based methodologies, research & publication, and tenure and promotion.

Community-Engaged Pedagogies
Out team of experienced educators offer consultation & mentorship around community-based course and curriculum.

Community-Engaged Writing Projects
Our team of practitioners & scholars offer consultation & mentorship around the launch of your own public writing project.
Sign up for our Community Writing listserv, a valuable resource and networking space for scholars, students, teachers, and community members.
Members of the list are welcome to post questions, ideas, and announcements about pedagogy, research, publications, projects, and events regarding community writing and related fields.